The 'Size Information' (Chinese Size Chart) displayed on the product page is the most accurate data provided by the seller. Please refer to this 'Size Information' to confirm the exact size of the product. If the seller has not provided size information, you can click on 'Need help with sizing?' at the bottom of the size selection section to view a general size reference chart. However, this is for reference only and may not fully match the actual product.
Note: The displayed Chinese Size Chart is the accurate size data provided by the seller. Please prioritize checking it before making a purchase.
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High-Waisted Design:The high-waisted design of these yoga pants not only enhances your figure but also provides comfort during your workout. It's perfect for yoga, fitness, and dance classes.
Breathable Material:Made from a mixture of nylon (80%) and spandex (20%), these pants are breathable and flexible, ensuring you stay cool and comfortable throughout your workout.
Flare Style:The flare style of these pants adds a trendy touch to your workout attire. They're not just functional but also fashionable.
Seamless Design:These pants feature a seamless design, eliminating any discomfort or irritation that may occur during your workout. They're designed for maximum comfort and freedom of movement.
Versatile Use:Whether you're doing yoga, fitness, or dance, these pants are perfect for all your workout needs. Their versatile design makes them a must-have in every active woman's wardrobe.
Long Pants Length:The long pants length of these yoga pants provides full coverage and modesty, making them suitable for various workout environments.